Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Varicon Siddhant (Sid) Shrestha says he hopes his ACS Digital Disruptor award will “inspire” other migrants, international students and ICT professionals.
Varicon expands in Australia following $2.25M funding led by Black Nova VC. Notable investors include Aconex founder Leigh Jasper, Artesian Ventures, Andrew Sypkes and notable leaders from the civil construction industries.
Learn best practices for managing construction daywork efficiently. Discover tips to save time, reduce disputes, and maximise revenue with effective dayworks management.
In a challenging economy, civil construction businesses face pressure to stay profitable. In this blog, we share key tips to help you maintain margins and build a lean, resilient business during downturns. Learn how to optimize resources and streamline operations to keep your company strong.
Coming off historically high levels of activity, it’s vital for civil contractors to follow best practices, especially in tendering, to boost profitability.
In this article we’ll share our experience, industry best practices and pros and cons for managing accounts payable with and without purchase orders for small civil contractors.
At Varicon, we know the complexities of supply chain management and the importance of strong supplier relationships. Discover best practices for effectively managing suppliers in civil construction.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the essentials of collaborating with employees and unions on EBAs, streamlining timesheet processes, calculating payroll, and maintaining a thorough audit trail.
Are you a construction company interested in improving your operations and efficiency? Some good news for you, Varicon is excited to introduce its new Construction Digital Custom Forms feature, tailored to meet the specific needs of the industry.
James Baker was interviewed by Eliot Hastie to talk about Varicon’s recent $2.25M seed round led by Black Nova VC and how Varicon’s cost management platform will help civil construction firms save billions.
Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Varicon Siddhant (Sid) Shrestha says he hopes his ACS Digital Disruptor award will “inspire” other migrants, international students and ICT professionals.
Varicon expands in Australia following $2.25M funding led by Black Nova VC. Notable investors include Aconex founder Leigh Jasper, Artesian Ventures, Andrew Sypkes and notable leaders from the civil construction industries.