Construction Digital Custom Forms

Are you a construction company interested in improving your operations and efficiency? Some good news for you, Varicon is excited to introduce its new Construction Digital Custom Forms feature, tailored to meet the specific needs of the industry. This feature allows construction companies to streamline documentation creation and completion, eliminate piles of paperwork, reduce disorganisation and increase OHS compliance.

Why Should Civil Construction Companies Digitise Their Paper Forms?

Forms play a crucial role in construction projects, as they serve as essential documentation for different processes and procedures. In the past, paper forms were commonly used. However, with the progress of technology, digital forms have become more beneficial compared to messy, disorganised, hard to track and easily lost paper forms.

Digital forms offer immediate access to data, eliminate the necessity for manual data input, decrease paperwork, and allow for smooth integration with current systems. This improvement in technology leads to enhanced productivity, better communication, and improved decision-making abilities for civil construction companies.

Construction Digital Forms vs Paper Forms

Use Cases of Varicon’s  Digital Custom Forms: 10 Construction Forms for Civil Construction Companies

Let’s take a closer look at how Varicon’s Custom Forms feature can be used in civil construction projects. Below, you will find a list of 10 forms that can be created and implemented using Varicon’s user-friendly drag-and-drop form builder.

  1. Equipment Pre-start Forms: Ensure that all equipment is inspected and deemed safe for use before starting work, minimising the risk of accidents and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
  2. Site Induction Forms: Facilitate the onboarding process for new workers by providing them with essential information about the site, safety protocols, and emergency procedures.
  3. Incident Reporting Forms: Enable quick and efficient reporting of incidents or near misses, ensuring that issues are addressed promptly to prevent recurrence and improve safety standards.
  4. QA/QC Inspection Checklists & Forms: Streamline quality assurance and quality control processes by creating customisable inspection checklists tailored to specific project requirements.
  5. Safety Audit Forms: Conduct regular safety audits to identify potential hazards, assess compliance with safety regulations, and implement corrective actions as necessary.
  6. HR Forms: Simplify administrative tasks by digitising HR processes, such as annual leave requests, ensuring timely processing and accurate record-keeping.
  7. Site Request Forms: Enable stakeholders to submit requests for resources, permits, or approvals, streamlining communication and improving project coordination.
  8. Toolbox Talk Meeting Forms: Facilitate toolbox talks and safety meetings by providing templates for agenda items, attendee lists, and meeting minutes, ensuring that critical topics are covered and documented.
  9. Daily Pre-Start Forms: Standardise pre-start procedures with daily checklists to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed before commencing work, promoting efficiency and compliance.
  10. SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements): Create and manage SWMS documents to outline safe work practices, hazard controls, and emergency procedures for specific tasks or activities.

10 Great Features of Varicon’s Custom Forms: Enhancing Productivity and Compliance

Varicon’s Custom Forms goes beyond the basic functions of digital forms to provide construction businesses with advanced capabilities for streamlining their processes and boosting productivity. Explore these innovative features that are revolutionising civil construction

  1. Easy Form Creation with Drag and Drop Form Builder
    Easily create customised forms tailored to your specific requirements using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

  2. Easy access with Assign Forms to Specific Projects, Users, or Equipment
    Ensure that the right people have access to the right forms, streamlining workflow and improving accountability. It also helps you with security by making certain forms only accessible to certain users within the company.
  3. Timely notification with Trigger Notifications Based on Specific Answers
    Set up automated notifications to alert relevant stakeholders when specific responses are submitted, enabling timely action and follow-up.
  4. Easy searching with Custom Tags for Form Grouping:Organise forms efficiently by creating custom tags to categorise and group related forms, making it easier to find and access the information you need.

  5. Improve governance and controls with required and optional fields:
    Make certain forms compulsory and tie them to timesheets to ensure that essential daily tasks are completed and documented.

  6. Verify with Record Geo-Location, Date, and Timestamp
    Capture crucial information such as geo-location, date, and timestamp for each form submission, providing valuable insights and audit trails.
  7. Real-time Access via Web and Mobile App:
    Access forms anytime, anywhere, on any device, with real-time synchronisation between the web app and mobile app.
    Construction Digital Forms Software - Varicon
  8. Ability to Record Digital Signatures:
    Capture digital signatures for accountability and verification purposes, with support for multiple signatures per form, ideal for toolbox meetings or daywork dockets.
  9. Link Forms with Data in the System: Link forms with data from the Varicon system, such as employee information, project details, client data, or supplier information. Users can select from pre-filled lists, eliminating the need for manual entry and ensuring accuracy and consistency across all forms.
  10. Download and Send Submissions as PDF:
    Generate PDF reports of form submissions for easy sharing, distribution, and archival purposes.

Experience the Benefits of Varicon’s Custom Forms: Book a Free Demo Today

Ready to experience the benefits of Varicon’s Custom Forms for your civil construction business? Book a free, no-obligation demo today and discover how Varicon can help you streamline operations, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance every step of the way. Revolutionise your construction projects with Varicon’s Custom Forms!