Varicon is a cost management platform for construction companies. Varicon was co-developed with the construction industry to overcome the major cost management issues for the site and office-based staff. The Varicon platform is based on industry best practices, so change from your existing processes is minimised.
In order to manage the project, the project is broken down into multiple tasks. And each task is further broken down into multiple subtasks and each subtask has multiple resources which are used in order to complete the subtask.
Similar to budget, the overall forecast is also forecasting the cost of the project at the resource level for the project duration.
The budget is forecast done by the estimator when bidding the tender. On the other hand, the overall forecast is done by a project manager who is responsible for executing the project.
Besides the overall forecast, the project manager also does a monthly cost forecast. Overall forecast is done for project duration while the monthly forecast is done to forecast the cost for a specific month.
A monthly claim forecast is used to forecast how much amount the construction company can invoice the client in specific months.
This is an abbreviation for “work breakdown structure ID”. This should be strictly followed and has important significance in the contract with the client. Construction companies cannot change WBS ID as they like as they are legally bound through contract. Client and Construction companies usually communicate with each other using WBS ID.
Select the project you are working on.
On the top panel, you’ll be able to see the Estimated Budget Cost, Construction Budget Cost,
Total Contract Sum, Original Contract Sum, Variation contract sum, and Estimated Budget Margin.
Your budget structure can be seen below.
You will be able to see all the Tasks within the budget, and the corresponding Contract Sum,
Estimated Budget Cost, and Construction Budget Cost.
Expanding the description will enable you to see the Code, Type, Unit, and Cost Centres for the budget.
You can also view all the Tasks, Subtasks or even the Sub sub-tasks and the corresponding resources by selecting the Expand All button on the top right-hand side.
Finally, you can view the project’s budget in different forms by selecting your preferred view. The Default view is set to ‘Task View’.
Select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, the existing budget is missing a task that you want to add. Remember to record the last WBS ID, which in our example is 18.
Select the Add Task button on the top right-hand side.
Input Task Name, and WBS ID. Select the Add Subtask button to add a Subtask.
Next, add a Subtask. First, add the subtask name, and add the WBS ID which should be continuous to the task ID.
Now, select the plus sign next to the Subtask Name and choose the Add Resources option.
Enter the Resource Name and choose that resource from the list. The resource’s data is auto-populated. Repeat this process to add additional resources.
Add the quantity needed, and make sure to keep Duration to 0, as this is a task that was missed in the original budget. You should add this cost in the Construction budget later.
Remember to save your work then, select the Cost Centre associated with it.
The Type on the top panel can either be Contract, or a Variation. Use the Contract option if this item originates from your original contract with the client, or Variation otherwise.
Finally, select the Save Task button to complete this step.
Select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, edit the task to which you want to add a subtask.
Select the Add Subtask on the bottom left-hand side. Input a continuous WBS ID, and the subtask name.
Select the resources that will be used under this subtask. Remember to keep DURATION as 0, as this is a subtask that was missed in the original budget. You should add this cost to the Construction budget later.
Remember to save your work then select the Cost Centre associated with it.
Finally, remember to select the Update Task button to complete this step.
Select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, select edit next the task you wish to add a resource to.
Then next to the Subtask to which you wish to add a resource, expand the Resources.
Select all the resources that will be used under this subtask. You can add as many as required. Remember to keep Duration to 0, as this resource was missed in the original budget.
You should add this cost in the Construction budget later.
Finally, to save your work simply click the Save Button and then select the Update Task button to complete this step.
Your construction budget is the budget you will ACTUALLY work with, compared to the estimated budget that was generated as part of your job tender process.
If there is a difference between the construction budget and the estimated budget, you should record it in Varicon.
First, select the project you are working on.
In the forecast tab, expand both the estimated budget and the construction budget
Expand the task and subtask you wish to edit.
You will see the estimated budget figures, and you will be able to edit any particular one, or all, of the construction budget figures.
The figures you change will be highlighted.
Your work will be automatically saved.
Select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, select the filter option. Next, select the month, or months, you wish to forecast for.
Expand on the task you are forecasting for.
You can now forecast on a subtask level by entering the percentage of cost to be incurred. The percentage entered will be applied to all the subtask’s resources.
You can also forecast on a more granular level.
Expand on the subtask. You will then be able to forecast on a per-resource level. This option is useful when a particular resource incurs a different cost percentage than the rest of the resources.
An example would be upfront payment for plant hiring or purchasing of materials.
Repeat this process for all the relevant tasks and subtasks.
Your work will be automatically saved.
select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, select the filter option. This will display 3 additional drop downs – Estimated Budget, Construction Budget and Claims. Under claims, select the month or months, you wish to forecast for.
Expand on the task you are forecasting for.
Then expand on the month you are forecasting for.
You can now forecast on a subtask level by entering the percentage of progress to be claimed.
Repeat this process for all the relevant tasks and subtasks.
Always remember to save your work.
Select the project you are working on.
Within the forecast tab, edit the task to which you want to add a Sub Subtask.
You can only add a Sub Subtask into a Subtask without resources. Select the “Click to add a new Subtask” option below the list of existing Subtasks.
Now, select the plus sign next to the Subtask Name and choose to Add a Sub sub task.
Enter the Sub Sub Task name, and add the WBS ID which should be continuous to the task ID. Then select the Cost Centre associated with it.
To add a Resource or Resources, select the plus sign next to the Sub Sub task Name and choose the Add Resource option.
Enter the Resource Name and choose that resource from the list, the resource‘s data is auto-populated. Repeat this process to add additional resources.
Add the quantity needed, and make sure to keep Duration to 0, as this is a task that was missed in the original budget. You should add this cost to the Construction budget later.
Finally, remember to save your work and select the Update Task button to complete this step.
The Daily Cost Tracking module enables you to record your costs on a daily basis.
There are 2 views in this module: the Approved Costs and the Unapproved Costs.
Access to these is controlled by user permissions.
Within this module you have 4 filters available : A calendar filter, A task filter, a subtask filter, and a sub-subtask filter.
You have the ability to group items by cost centres, or have no grouping.
The tasks can be sorted by either ascending or descending order.
All the previously recorded daily cost entries are listed below in the main table view.
By scrolling to the right, you can view additional information, such as estimated and construction budgets, and the remaining budget to complete.
You can also add notes and attachments to existing line items.
Finally, you can export an excel file containing all daily cost entries for your review.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to None.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item. If you have assigned this task and subtask to a cost centre, it will auto populate, otherwise the unassigned cost centre will appear by default.
Next, from the drop down menu select the resource used. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Once you’ve selected a resource, scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for all the other tasks you wish to track items to. You can also add notes if you want to.
All the new data added is automatically saved.
select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to None.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the cost centre for which you wish to track a line item. You can choose from either the assigned or unassigned cost centre lists.
Next, select the resources used from the drop down menu. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Once you’ve selected a resource, scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for all the other cost centres you wish to track items to. You can also add notes if you want .
All the new data added is automatically saved.
select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to Cost Centre. You are now able to see the list of cost centres.
To add a new daily cost item to the cost centre view, first, turn on edit mode. Expand on a cost centre to which you want to track an item to, then scroll to the bottom and select the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item to.
Next, select the resources used from the drop down menu. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for other cost centres. You can also add notes if you want to.
All the new data added are automatically saved.
select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
There are two views – the Approved view, and the Unapproved view. Access into these views is controlled by user permissions.
To approve unapproved line items, go to the unapproved tab.
The main table view lists out all the daily cost entries that were previously recorded.
Check the box of a particular line item, or multiple line items, that you wish to approve. Then press the approve button.
You can also approve all the unapproved items by selecting all using the top check box, and then approve.
select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item. If you have assigned this task and subtask to a cost centre, it will auto populate, otherwise the unassigned cost centre will appear by default.
Next, select the resources drop down menu and select + Add New Resource button. You will be prompted to add the new Resource in the Add New resource window. The assigned Task, Subtask and/or Cost Centre will auto-populate.
If the resource exists within your project, search for the resource by typing the resource name in the text field. Select the resource that you want to add from the list.
If the resource does not exist in your current resource list, select the Create New Resource function and enter the Resource name and Resource code. Make sure to select the create new function.
Next, assign the resource code to a cost code. The default option is auto populated. To change it, tick the Select Manually box to choose the corresponding cost code from the drop down list. Then enter Unit and Rate. Finally, click on the Add New Resource button.
Then under Other Settings, we want to Confirm that the cost centre setting is disabled in the DCT Settings.
Now, select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
There are 2 views in this module: the Approved Costs and the Unapproved Costs.
Access to these is subject to user permissions.
Within this module you have 4 filters available : a calendar filter, a task filter, a subtask filter, and a sub-subtask filter.
The tasks can be sorted by either ascending or descending order.
Since the cost centre is disabled, you can no longer group items by cost centres.
All the previously recorded daily cost entries are listed below in the main table view.
By scrolling to the right, you can view additional information, such as estimated and construction budgets, and the remaining budget to complete.
You can also add notes and attachments to existing line items.
Finally, you can export an excel file containing all daily cost entries for your review.
Select the project you are working on.
Select Daily Cost Tracking.
To add a new entry select the + sign on the bottom right hand side.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
You can assign the cost to either a high level cost centre, or specify the task and subtask.
To assign this entry to a high level cost centre, simply select the cost centre from the drop down list.
To assign the entry at a task level, select the Task and Subtask the employees have worked on, and the associated Cost Centre will auto populate.
Select the resources that were used. You can select one, multiple, or all the resources.
Once you have selected your resources, input the quantity and duration used per resource.
You can also attach files or add notes if you want to.
Then, add the daily cost.
If you would like to enter the same data from the previous date, you can select the Copy from previous function. Select the date from which you want to copy, then select the date you want to assign this cost to.
Select the tasks you would like to copy, expand on the resources and enter the quantity and duration. Then click the Add button.
Depending on your user permissions, your entries will either log into the approved, or the unapproved list.
If the construction company has projects across the country, Australia. The resource rate in Melbourne may be different from that of Sydney. For example, labour may cost 100 AUD per hr in Sydney and 150 AUD per hr in Melbourne. So, there will be a separate resource code list for Melbourne and Sydney.
Cost code is also shared in multiple projects. Unlike multiple resource code lists, we only have a single cost code list. The same cost code list is used in all projects. One cost code can have multiple resource codes.
The same Resource code is shared in multiple projects. So, we have a resource code list inside the settings where we store lists of resource codes. In the resource code list, each resource has the following attributes.
Select the project you are working on.
Then go to the Claims module.
At the top, you will be able to see a high-level status bar containing important information relating to your previous and existing claims. This includes the amount claimed to date, the remaining balance, and the percentage of claims completed.
Further, you will be able to add a new claim by selecting the new claim button.
Finally, you will also be able to see a register of the previously approved claims, and you will be able to download their corresponding PDF or excel spreadsheet.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Claims module.
Select the New Claim button.
At the top, you will see a status bar containing information relating to Claimed to Date, Current Claim and remaining balance.
Enter your internal invoice reference number. Select the timeframe and the task from the dropdown for which you are claiming for.
When you enter percentages, the claims are represented with different colours. Green represents previously approved claims, orange represents the current claim, and grey represents what is left to be claimed.
Enter the percentage completed to date for all relevant tasks and subtasks.
On the top right hand side of the status bar , you can see a button wherein you can upload supporting documents or files related to your claim.
To attach a file, click the Upload Attachment button, select the file from your desktop, enter file name and then Submit.
Once finished, you can either select Save as Draft, or Submit your claim on the right hand side of the screen.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Claims module.
The submitted claim will be visible above the claims register.
Select the Assess button.
On the right-hand side, there is now an option to hide subtasks in PDF.
You can enable this functionality for specific tasks by selecting the check box next to each task.
You can also hide all subtasks in the PDF by selecting the Hide All Subtasks check box.
Once finished, submit your claim, and approve the submission.
Download your PDF, which will now reflect your selection.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Claims module.
The submitted claim will be visible above the claims register.
Select the Assess button.
To change line items in the claim, go to the line item you wish to change.
Enter the new percentage needed.
Add an adjustment reason on the right-hand side. This is a mandatory step.
Select the modification reason, add a comment, and submit.
Repeat this process for all needed changes.
Finally, you can either re-submit the claim for review or approve it all together.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Variation Register module.
At the top, you will be able to see a high-level status bar containing important information relating to your previous and existing variations. This includes the variations’ estimated cost, the submitted amount, and the approved amount.
Further, you will be able to add a new variation by selecting the new variation button.
Finally, you will also be able to see a register of the previously submitted variations.
You can expand these variations to view or change their status. You can also edit these variations or add comments and attachments to them.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Variation Register module.
Select the New Variation button.
Enter a unique WBS ID, and then provide a task name to your variation.
Add a subtask to your variation.
Enter a continuous WBS ID, and then add a subtask name.
Select a resource to be used in this variation and enter the corresponding quantity and duration.
Repeat this process for all needed resources.
You can also add additional subtasks if needed, by selecting the add subtask button.
Enter your submitted amount. This is the $ figure you will share with your client as the variation amount.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Variation Register module.
To change the status of an existing variation, expand the variation, and select the appropriate status from the dropdown list. Save your changes.
To edit an existing variation, select the edit variation button on the right-hand side.
You will then be able to change all the information that was previously entered or add new information to this variation.
For example, if you wish to enter the approved amount, simply go to the approved amount text box, and enter the information needed.
Always remember to save your work.
You have now successfully added a new variation to Varicon.
The dashboard module contains a visual summary of key financial information relating to your project.
You will find some basic information about your project, as well as graphs outlining costs, revenue, cash flow, and claims and variations.
You can change the timeframe on the top left-hand side.
Further, the entire dashboard is customisable, enabling you to drag and drop or remove or add items in your dashboard. You can also change the type of graph per widget.
Finally, there is a library of widgets from which can add new widgets, or graphs, to your dashboard.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Report module.
Select the report template from which you wish to generate a report.
Confirm that the information in the columns and groupings is the needed information for reporting.
Select the applicable timeframe for your report.
Run the report. The requested information will appear in tabular form.
You can now export the report’s data to Excel by selecting the export function.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the Report module.
Select the new report function.
In the columns section, select the column variables needed in your report.
Select how you want your variables’ information to be grouped.
Select the applicable timeframe for your report.
Confirm that the information in the columns and groupings is the needed information for reporting.
Run the report. The requested information will appear in tabular form.
You can now export the report’s data to Excel by selecting the export function.
To save this report as a template, select the save changes button.
Select the PO module on the left-hand menu.
On the top, you’ll see the available approval steps such as awaiting approval, approved or canceled.
If you select one of these tabs, you will only see the purchase orders relevant to this status.
You are also able to filter the existing purchase orders by suppliers or projects when using the filters drop-down lists.
Depending on your user permissions, you can edit the workflow settings, and add a purchase order by selecting these options on the top right-hand side.
You can also delete an existing purchase order by selecting the delete button, or view the details of an existing purchase order by simply selecting it.
Select the PO module on the left-hand menu.
On the top right-hand side, select the Add Purchase Order button.
Select the project this purchase order is meant for and your supplier.
Today’s date is auto-populated as the order date, you can change that if needed. Then, select your delivery date.
The purchase order number is auto-populated, you can change that if needed.
Next, select delivery status from the drop-down list, and add your purchase order title.
To add your items, select the Add Delivery Items function.
Select the item’s resource code. Corresponding information will be auto-populated.
Enter the quantity needed.
Assign the line item to a project subtask. This step is not mandatory and you can skip it if you do not know the subtask.
Repeat this process to add additional line items.
Once finished, the total amount for the PO will be visible.
Next, you can attach files to the purchase order if needed.
The delivery address will be auto-populated, and you can add information in the attention and delivery instructions text fields.
Review your purchase order details. If all is correct, submit your purchase order for approval, provide some comments, and save it.
Your purchase order has now been added to the awaiting approval queue.
You have now successfully created a new purchase order in Varicon.
Select the PO module on the left-hand menu.
Select the relevant purchase order you wish to change.
To edit the information within the purchase order, select the edit function.
You will now be able to change all the relevant information that is available for this PO.
Once finished, re-submit the PO, enter your comments, and save.
To cancel an existing purchase order, simply select the cancel function, provide your comments, and save.
Depending on your user permissions, and on the PO’s status within the approval workflow, you can change a PO’s status by moving it to the next step or rejecting it, on the top right-hand side.
Enter your comments, and save.
You have now successfully edited, canceled changed the status of an existing PO.
On the left hand menu, select the Timesheet module.
On the top panel, right beside TIMESHEET you will see the icon to switch to matrix view and list view.
Depending on your preference, you can either select the matrix view or the list view .
In the next section, you can see two tabs: Timesheets and Employees.The Timesheets tab shows a list of all submitted timesheets.
The Employees tab shows specific details of approved and unapproved time per employee.
Under the Timesheet tab you’ll see the dropdown selection for the project , the timeframe , and the status of the timesheets.
You will also be able to see a register of the total timesheet, total approved and unapproved ones, the total number of employees and the total Work Time.
Also, you will be able to see the list of submitted timesheets, and their status.
On the top right hand side, you can either import a timesheet by selecting the Import Timesheet button or create a new timesheet by selecting the Add Timesheet button.
You can also export the timesheet by selecting the Export Timesheet button.
On the left hand menu, select the Timesheet module.
To add a new timesheet, select the Add Timesheet button on the top right-hand side.
Select the project you are working on.
Search for the relevant employees for whom you want to record the timesheet for.
You can either select the employees from the list or search for specific ones by typing their names.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
The clock in, clock out and break time are set by default to 7:00 AM, 3:30PM and 30 min respectively. You can change these by selecting alternative times. You can also change these default values in the settings section.
Add any remarks for the day.
To save the timesheets record without assigning the labour hours to specific tasks, select Save Timesheet.
On the left hand menu, select the Timesheet module.
To add a new timesheet, select the Add Timesheet button on the top right-hand side.
Select the project you are working on.
Search for the relevant employees for whom you want to record the timesheet for.
You can either select the employees from the list or search for specific ones by typing their names.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
The clock in, clock out and break time are set by default to 7:00 AM, 3:30PM and 30 min respectively. You can change these by selecting alternative times. You can also change these default values in the settings section.
Add any remarks for the day.
Next, select the Add New button beside the Assign Tasks section.
You can assign the timesheet to either a high level cost centre, or specify the task and subtask.
To assign the timesheet to a high level cost centre, simply select the cost centre from the drop down list.
To assign the timesheets to a task level, select the Task and Subtask the employees have worked on, and the associated Cost Centre will auto populate.
You can Assign default resource code, or Select a new resource code. The default resource code will be auto selected, and will assign the default resource rate to the worker’s hours. To choose a different rate, deselect the default resource code, and select the relevant resource code from the drop down list.
Enter the allocated time assigned to this task. It can either be the entire duration, or a specific number of hours, and then approve with the Add button.
On the left hand menu, select the Timesheet module.
You will now be able to see the list of all timesheets entries for the last 7 days.
Depending on your user permissions, you can approve timesheet entries that have been created and are waiting for approval.
Select the project that you are working on.
Then select the timeframe for which you want to approve the timesheet.
To approve the timesheet, select Unapproved from the Status dropdown.
Tick off the box on the left side of the selected timesheet. You are now able to select either the Approve or Quick Approve options on top of the list.
If the Approve Now is selected, you will be routed to the Employee’s Timesheet page wherein you can review the timesheet entry, update the entry, and approve.
If the Quick Approve option is selected, the system will approve the entry as is.
Select the project that you are working on.
Select the Mobile Timesheet module.
You will now be able to see the list of all timesheet entries for the last 7 days.
To add a new timesheet, select the Plus (+) button on the bottom right hand side.
Search for the relevant employees, for whom you want to record the timesheet for.
You can either select the employees from the list, or search the specific ones by typing their names.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
The clock in, clock out and break time are set by default to 7:00 AM, 3:30PM and 30 min respectively.
You can change these by selecting alternative times. You can also change these default values in the settings section.
Add any remarks for the day.
To save the timesheets record without assigning the labour hours to specific tasks, select Save Timesheet.
Select the project that you are working on.
Select the Mobile Timesheet module.
You will now be able to see the list of all timesheet entries for the last 7 days.
To add a new timesheet, select the Plus (+) button on the bottom right hand side.
Search for the relevant employees, for whom you want to record the timesheet for.
You can either select the employees from the list, or search for specific ones by typing their names.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
The clock in, clock out and break time are set by default to 7:00AM, 3:30PM and 30 min respectively. You can change these by selecting alternative times. You can also change these default values in the settings section.
Add any remarks for the day.
To assign tasks, select Add new button under Assign Task section.
You can assign the timesheet to either a high level cost centre, or specify the task and subtask.
To assign the timesheet to a high level cost centre, simply select the cost centre from the drop down list.
To assign the timesheets to a task level, select the Task and Subtask the employees have worked on, and the associated Cost Centre will auto populate.
You can Assign default resource code, or Select a new resource code. The default resource code will be auto selected, and will assign the default resource rate to the worker’s hours. To choose a different rate, deselect the default resource code, and select the right resource code from the drop down list.
Enter the allocated time assigned to this task or cost centre. You can select Fill with Remaining Duration, or enter a specific number of hours, and then approve with the Add button.
Repeat this process with additional tasks and subtasks.
Once finished, select the Save Timesheet option.
Select the project that you are working on.
Select the Mobile Timesheet module.
You will now be able to see the list of all timesheet entries for the last 7 days.
Depending on your user permissions, you can approve timesheet entries that have been created and are waiting for approval.
To approve the timesheet, select the Unapproved tab.
Finally, remember to save your work.
Select the timeframe for which you want to approve the timesheet.
Tick off the box on the left side of the selected timesheet, and you will be able to see and select either Approve Now or Quick Approve buttons on the bottom of the screen.
If the Approve Now option is selected, you will be routed to the Employee Timesheet page wherein you can review the timesheet entry, update and approve.
If the Quick Approve option is selected, the system will approve the entry as is.
On the left-hand menu, select User Management, then select Users.
You are now able to see a list of all current users listed in Varicon.
Use the top filters to filter by users’ status, or by their role.
You can also edit or delete a user’s record with the Edit or Delete buttons on the right hand side.
Finally, you can a user with the Add User button on the top right hand side.
You have now successfully reviewed the Users module.
On the left hand menu, select User Management, then select Users.
You are now able to see a list of all current users listed in Varicon.
Select the Add User button on the top right hand side.
Enter the user’s full name, their email, and select their role from the drop down list.
Next, add the user to the list with the Add button.
The user has now been added to Varicon in an INACTIVE state.
To activate the user, follow instructions on how to activate or edit an existing user.
You have now successfully added a user in Varicon.
On the left hand menu, select User Management, then select Users.
You are now able to see a list of all current users listed in Varicon.
Search for the requested user.
Select the Edit button on the right-hand side.
To activate the user, check the Status check box.
To edit the user’s information, simply edit any of the relevant available fields.
Finally, save your changes with the Update button.
On the left hand menu, select User Management, then select clients.
You are now able to see a list of all your current clients listed in Varicon.
Use the search box on the top to search for a particular client.
You can also edit or delete a client’s record with the Edit or Delete buttons on the right hand side.
To add a new client, select the Add Client button on the top right hand side.
Enter the information needed, such as the organisation name, its ABN and its address.
Scroll to the bottom and add a contact person for this client. You can add multiple contacts by selecting the add contact person button.
Finally, add the client to the list.
On the left-hand menu, select User Management, then select Roles.
You are now able to see a list of all current roles available in Varicon.
You can view a particular role’s permissions by expanding the role on the right-hand side.
You can also edit the roles’ permissions by selecting the edit function next to the role’s name.
Finally, you can add a new role with the Add Role button.
On the left hand menu, select User Management, then select Roles.
You are now able to see a list of all current roles available in Varicon.
Select the Add Role button on the top right hand side.
Add the role’s title (e.g. Project Manager, Project Engineer, etc).
Select all the relevant permissions you wish to provide the users that will be assigned to this role.
To add individual permissions within a group, expand on the group and select the permissions needed.
Make sure to scroll to the bottom so that you don’t miss any permissions group needed.
Finally, add the role with the Add button.
On the left-hand menu, select User Management, then select Roles.
You are now able to see a list of all current roles available in Varicon.
Select the edit function next to the role you wish to edit.
Edit all the relevant permissions you wish to edit, per permissions group.
Scroll to the bottom and save the new permissions with the Update button.
Select the project you are working on. Select Docket module.
To add a new docket, select the + sign on the bottom right-hand side.
To add an image of the docket, at the top, select the docket image, and add an image either from your camera or from your internal mobile device.
Set the status of the docket to either To be Paid, Not to be Paid, or Paid.
Enter the docket number. Today’s date is auto-populated, you can change it to a different date if needed.
Choose your supplier.
To add a docket without a purchase order, disable the purchase order function.
To add the Docket without adding the delivery items, simply scroll to the bottom and select the ADD button on the left-hand side.
You have now successfully added a docket without assigning a purchase order or delivery items.
Select the project you are working on. Select the Docket module.
To add a new docket, select the + sign on the bottom right hand side.
At the top, add an image of the docket. Either by taking a picture with your camera, or selecting a file from your mobile device.
Select the status of the docket. This can be To be Paid, Not to be Paid, or Paid.
Enter the docket number. Today’s date is auto-populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
Enter the purchase order number. You can either select from the drop-down list, or type P and select from the appropriate purchase order.
All the information within the purchase order will be auto-populated.
If this is an ongoing purchase order, or the quantity received is less than the quantity ordered, you can change the docket’s quantity by selecting the delivery item you wish to edit.
You can now edit the rate or the quantity received, and assign delivery items on a particular task or subtask if needed.
Enter the total quantity received in the quantity received text box.
Next, allocate portions of the quantity received to the corresponding subtasks.
Select the update button.
Scroll all the way down to the bottom, you can either attach additional files and documents or add notes to this docket.
To add this docket, select the add function on the left-hand side.
Finally, remember to save your work.
Select the project you are working on. Select the Docket module.
To add a new docket, select the + sign on the bottom right-hand side.
At the top, add an image of the docket by either taking a picture with your camera or selecting a file from your mobile device.
Select the status of the docket. This can be To be Paid, Not to be Paid, or Paid.
Enter the docket number. Today’s date is auto-populated, you can change this if needed.
Select your supplier.
Disable the purchase order function.
To add a new delivery item, select the + sign beneath the delivery items.
Select the resource code for this delivery item. Start typing the resource name, and select from the list.
The resource code information will be auto-populated.
Enter the quantity ordered and quantity received.
To assign this docket to a task and subtask, select the + sign on the right-hand side of the ASSIGN WBS ID.
Select your task, subtask, and enter a proportional quantity.
Repeat this process as needed.
Finally, to add this delivery item, scroll to the bottom, and select the ADD button.
You’ve now added a delivery item to this docket.
Scroll to the bottom, and add additional documents, files, or notes to this docket.
To add this docket, select the add button on the left-hand side.
Finally, remember to save your work.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
The Daily Cost Tracking module enables you to record your costs on a daily basis.
There are 2 views in this module: the Approved Costs and the Unapproved Costs.
Access to these is controlled by user permissions.
Within this module you have 4 filters available : A calendar filter, A task filter, a subtask filter, and a sub-subtask filter.
You have the ability to group items by cost centres, or have no grouping.
The tasks can be sorted by either ascending or descending order.
All the previously recorded daily cost entries are listed below in the main table view.
By scrolling to the right, you can view additional information, such as estimated and construction budgets, and the remaining budget to complete.
You can also add notes and attachments to existing line items.
Finally, you can export an excel file containing all daily cost entries for your review.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to None.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item. If you have assigned this task and subtask to a cost centre, it will auto populate, otherwise the unassigned cost centre will appear by default.
Next, from the drop down menu select the resource used. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Once you’ve selected a resource, scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for all the other tasks you wish to track items to. You can also add notes if you want to.
All the new data added is automatically saved.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to None.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the cost centre for which you wish to track a line item. You can choose from either the assigned or unassigned cost centre lists.
Next, select the resources used from the drop down menu. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Once you’ve selected a resource, scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for all the other cost centres you wish to track items to. You can also add notes if you want .
All the new data added is automatically saved.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
Make sure the group by view is set to Cost Centre. You are now able to see the list of cost centres.
To add a new daily cost item to the cost centre view, first, turn on edit mode. Expand on a cost centre to which you want to track an item to, then scroll to the bottom and select the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item to.
Next, select the resources used from the drop down menu. If the resource you wish to add is not present in the existing list, you can add a new resource by selecting the add new resource button.
Scroll to the right and enter the quantity and duration used per resource.
Repeat this process for other cost centres. You can also add notes if you want to.
All the new data added are automatically saved.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
There are two views – the Approved view, and the Unapproved view. Access into these views is controlled by user permissions.
To approve unapproved line items, go to the unapproved tab.
The main table view lists out all the daily cost entries that were previously recorded.
Check the box of a particular line item, or multiple line items, that you wish to approve. Then press the approve button.
You can also approve all the unapproved items by selecting all using the top check box, and then approve.
Select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
Select the timeframe for which you want to track your costs. You can either select from pre-existing options, or specify a custom timeframe.
To add a new daily cost item, first turn on the edit mode. Add a new daily cost item by selecting the + Add New Daily Cost button. Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if needed.
Select the task, subtask, and sub-subtask (if there is one) for which you wish to track a line item. If you have assigned this task and subtask to a cost centre, it will auto populate, otherwise the unassigned cost centre will appear by default.
Next, select the resources drop down menu and select + Add New Resource button. You will be prompted to add the new Resource in the Add New resource window. The assigned Task, Subtask and/or Cost Centre will auto-populate.
If the resource exists within your project, search for the resource by typing the resource name in the text field. Select the resource that you want to add from the list.
If the resource does not exist in your current resource list, select the Create New Resource function and enter the Resource name and Resource code. Make sure to select the create new function.
Next, assign the resource code to a cost code. The default option is auto populated. To change it, tick the Select Manually box to choose the corresponding cost code from the drop down list. Then enter Unit and Rate. Finally, click on the Add New Resource button.
Then under Other Settings, we want to Confirm that the cost centre setting is disabled in the DCT Settings.
Now, select the project you are working on.
Go to the Daily Cost Tracking module.
There are 2 views in this module: the Approved Costs and the Unapproved Costs.
Access to these is subject to user permissions.
Within this module you have 4 filters available : a calendar filter, a task filter, a subtask filter, and a sub-subtask filter.
The tasks can be sorted by either ascending or descending order.
Since the cost centre is disabled, you can no longer group items by cost centres.
All the previously recorded daily cost entries are listed below in the main table view.
By scrolling to the right, you can view additional information, such as estimated and construction budgets, and the remaining budget to complete.
You can also add notes and attachments to existing line items.
Finally, you can export an excel file containing all daily cost entries for your review.
Select the project you are working on.
Select Daily Cost Tracking.
To add a new entry select the + sign on the bottom right hand side.
Today’s date is auto populated, you can change this to a previous date if you wish.
You can assign the cost to either a high level cost centre, or specify the task and subtask.
To assign this entry to a high level cost centre, simply select the cost centre from the drop down list.
To assign the entry to a task level, select the Task and Subtask the employees have worked on, and the associated Cost Centre will auto populate.
To add a non-existing resource, select the resources drop down list, and then use the + sign on the top right hand side.
In the Resource text box, type the name of the Resource you wish to add.
Select from the available options.
The Resource information will auto populate.
Select the Save button.
The new resource has now been added to the rest of the resources. Select the additional resources you wish to track. Approve with the Select button.
Input the quantity and duration used per resource. You can also attach files or add notes if you want to.
Finally, add the Daily Cost.
Depending on your user permissions, your entries will either logged into the approved, or the unapproved list.
Varicon’s File Manager is a document repository where you can store a collection of electronic documents that are related to the project, in different formats.
To go to the File Manager module, first, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the File Manager module.
You are now able to see the current folder structure, search for specific files or folders, or create a new folder and upload files.
First, select the project you are working on.
Then, go to the File Manager module, select Add to add a Folder or Upload a File.
To add a Folder, select Create a Folder, add the name of the folder then select Confirm.
To upload a file inside a specific folder, open the folder and select Upload a File, you can select files related to the project from your laptop or desktop, add a name to the file select Confirm.
You can add as many folders and files as you want.
To view the existing categories, log in to Varicon.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Categories.
You are now able to see a list of all current Categories available in Varicon.
A category is a high level business aspect to which we track costs to. Labour or Materials are a common example of Categories.
In Varicon, the Categories settings is where we store the categories. Each category has the following attributes.
You can edit or delete an existing Category.
You have now successfully completed the high-level overview of the Categories Settings.
First, log in to Varicon.
Select the Categories settings on the left-hand side.
You are now able to see a list of all current Categories listed in Varicon.
To add a new category, select + New Category button.
Enter the Category Name, Description, and either tick or leave the Set As Default Category box.
Next, add the category by selecting either Add or Add and create another button.
The Category has now been added to Varicon.
To edit an existing category, choose the Category you wish to edit.
Click on the Action button and select Edit.
Enter the Category Name and or Description you wish to edit, and either tick or leave the Set As Default Category box.
Then press the Update button.
To view the existing Cost codes, log in to Varicon.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Cost Code.
You are now able to see a list of all current Cost Codes available in Varicon.
A cost code is a cost item that links between accounting items and project resource codes.
The Cost Code setting is where we store the list of your cost codes. In Varicon, Cost codes should only be mapped into a single category. Each cost code has the following attributes.
You can edit or delete an existing Cost Code.
You have now successfully completed the high-level overview of the Code Code settings.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then select Cost Code.
You are now able to see a list of all current Cost Codes listed in Varicon.
To add a new cost code, select + New Cost Code button.
Enter the Cost Code Name, Description, then select the Category and Sub Category from the drop down lists, and either tick or leave blank the Set As Default Cost Code box.
Next, add the cost code by selecting either Add or Add and create another button.
The Cost Code has now been added to Varicon.
To edit an existing cost code, choose the cost code you want to edit.
Click on the Action button and select Edit.
Enter the Cost Code Name and or Description you wish to edit, then select the Category and Sub Category from the drop down lists, and either tick or leave blank the Set As Default Cost Code box.
Then press the Update button.
First, log in to Varicon.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then select Cost Code.
You are now able to see a list of all current Cost Codes listed in Varicon.
To import a cost code list into the Cost Code Settings, select Import.
Upload your file which was created from Varicon’s template, Map columns in your file, then press the Complete button.
A Resource Code List is where we store lists of resource codes, and assign them to particular projects. In the resource code list, each resource code has the following attributes.
To view the existing resource code lists.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Resource Code List.
You are now able to see a list of all current Resource Code List available in Varicon.
You can edit or delete an existing Resource Code List.
Each Resource Code List has a name, a description and a status to it.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then select Resource Code List.
You are now able to see a list of all current Resource List listed in Varicon.
To add a new rate sheet, select the Create New Rate Sheet button.
Enter the Resource List Name, Description, and select Status from the dropdown list as Published or Draft.
Tick off the box next to Set As Default Resource Template if you choose to have this list as your default,or leave it unticked otherwise.
Next, add the rate sheet by selecting the Save and Continue button.
The Resource Code List has now been added to Varicon.
To add resources into the Resource Code List manually, select Create Manually.
Enter the Resource Name, the Resouce Code, select the Cost Code from the drop-down list, add the MOQ, Rate, and Unit of your resource.
Tick off the box next to Set As Default Resource Code if you choose to have this code as your default,or leave it unticked.
Next, add the Resources to the list with the Add button or select the Add and create another button to add additional resources.
The resource has now been added to Varicon.
Repeat this process for all the relevant resources needed in this Rate Sheet.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then select Resource Code List.
You are now able to see a list of all current Resource Code List listed in Varicon.
To add a new rate sheet, select Create New Rate Sheet.
Enter the Resource List Name and Description, then select Status from the dropdown list as Published or Draft.
Tick off the box next to Set As Default Resource Template if you choose to have this list as your default, or leave it unticked otherwise.
Next, add the rate sheet by selecting the Save and Continue button.
The Resource Code List has now been added to Varicon.
To import resources into the Resource Code List, select Import.
Upload your file which was created from Varicon’s template, map the columns in your file, then press the Complete button.
A cost centre is a high-level activity to which you track costs to. Earthworks or Drainage are common examples of such cost centres.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Cost Centre.
You are now able to see a list of all current cost centres available in Varicon.
You can edit or delete an existing cost centre.
Each cost centre has a name, a code and a description to it.
You have now successfully completed the high-level overview of the Cost Centre settings.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then select Cost Centre.
You are now able to see a list of all current cost centres listed in Varicon.
To add a new cost centre, select the Add Cost Centre button on the top right-hand side.
Enter the Name, the Code, and description of your cost centre.
Next, add the cost centre to the list with the Add button.
On the left-hand menu, you can find the Settings, then Other Settings.
You are now able to see the list of Other Settings in Varicon, which includes:
You have now successfully completed a high level overview of the Other Settings in Varicon.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the Cost Centre Settings.
By default, the use of the cost centres is enabled throughout the system
To disable the cost centres throughout the system, toggle OFF then click Submit button.
A pop up window will appear. Confirm that you are disabling the cost centres throughout the system by selecting the CONFIRM function.
The Cost Centres is now disabled throughout the system. The Daily Cost Tracking module will now be based on a task level only.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the DCT Settings. DCT Settings has 2 toggle buttons, Task/SubTask toggle button and Cost Centre toggle button.
To enable entry of Daily Cost Tracking on a Task/ SubTask level only, switch OFF the Cost Centre toggle button, then click Submit button.
A pop up window will appear. Confirm that you are disabling cost centres throughout the system by selecting the Disable function.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the DCT Settings. DCT Settings has 2 toggle buttons, Task/SubTask toggle button and Cost Centre toggle button.
To enable entry of Daily Cost Tracking on a Cost Centre level only, switch OFF the Task/Subtask toggle button, then click Submit button.
A pop up window will appear. Confirm that you are disabling tasks and subtasks throughout the system by selecting the Disable function.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the TimeSheet Settings.
You are now able to see the timesheets’ default Clock In, Clock Out and Break Time .
You can edit these and set a new default time by either entering a new time or hovering over the clock symbol and selecting your time from there.
There are two additional Timesheet settings for the mobile app – the Mobile Employee Timesheet and WBS ID in Timesheet.
Both the Mobile Employee Timesheet and WBS ID in Timesheet are set to “On” by default. You can disable it by toggling “Off” on the toggle button.
To confirm your changes, select the Submit button on the upper right hand side.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the PO Settings.
You are now able to see the PO settings, Workflow Settings and PDF settings
Under the PO Settings, you’ll be able to set up the Purchase Order Number by editing the default Prefix and Suffix.
Once done, select the Submit button.
Under the PDF Settings, you can enter the Organisation Name, upload the Organisation Logo and add the ABN.
To save your changes, select the Submit button.
On the left-hand menu, select Settings, then Other Settings.
Now, select the Tax Settings.
You are now able to see the default Tax Code and rate. You can update or edit this as needed and select the Submit button.
If you still have questions, you can always contact us.